Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Party Has Started!

What a way to start off the long weekend! And what a gorgeous day too! Cody Bear and Daisy partied hard at the beach today since this is the last weekend until after Labor Day weekend that they can run amuck around Del Mar Dog Beach off leash! After this weekend, all dogs need to be leashed up in order to play at Del Mar Dog Beach until September... That's no fun!

Cody was soooo thrilled to run around in the ocean and play with other dogs. He even played fetch a few times and this dog NEVER plays fetch! Must have been in a super good mood! :)

Of course anything Cody does, Daisy wants to do too! However, Daisy playing fetch didn't last too long since she doesn't like going too far into the ocean to fetch the tennis ball and getting her hair wet.

Picture of a perfectly happy dog at the beach:

Picture of a dog at the beach who wonders when the waves will stop running her over:

Daisy's little legs gets her pounded by the waves a lot... She's learned how to jump over them when she actually sees them coming!

Run, run, RUN!!!!!

"I had a wonderful time at the beach today, how about you Daisy?" "I am pooped! Let's go home!"

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