Monday, October 19, 2009


My oh my have I got a story to tell you! (Sorry, this post does not involve Cody or Daisy haha). So about a month ago, we went to Helen Woodward just to look at doggies for fun. I fell madly in love with the cutest most smallest Golden Retriever puppy that I just could not let go. Her name was "Doris." I don't know how long I stayed at her kennel, playing with her, staring at her, and just going head over heels in love with her, all the while giving Elbert the "we HAVE to get her" eyeballs. Of course, Elbert is the sane one who always tells me that we have 2 beautiful, crazy dogs at home. We always end up leaving Helen Woodward (or Petsmart's adoption days, or any pet rescue place we go to) empty handed - me with a pouty face that lasts about 2 hours, and Elbert rolling his eyes and annoyed at how many times he has to tell me that 3 dogs is way too many (for now). :)

So today at doggie park date day, a brand new Golden puppy strolls in... The minute I set eyes on her, I immediately went to its owner and asked the obvious questions... How old is it, what's its name, and the question I needed answered immediately... Where did you get her? Well, they named her Bailey, she is about 15 weeks old, and they got her at Helen Woodward!!!! They also said that her name at Helen Woodward was "Doris!" OMG! What are the odds?!?!? I am SOOOOOO happy to know that Bailey is now at a very good home and that I will definitely be seeing her more often at the park play dates. Cody and Daisy think she's pretty awesome too. :)

1 comment:

Mely Mel said...

This is SUCH a cute story! Made me choke up a bit. It's so funny and amazing how things work out, right? Yay for Bailey!