Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Daisy wanted to be a butterfly this year... And Cody? Well... Cody hates Halloween every year because they just don't make costumes for big boys! Nothing ever fits him, and Mommy isn't crafty enough to make him a costume... So it looks like Cody decided to borrow baby Madi's cat ears this year...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Ready For Halloween!

The kids wanted to borrow their 5 month old, 2-legged baby sister's cat headband, in the spirit of Halloween. Cody- you'd make a terrible cat! :)

Daisy- you look like an Elvis- impersonator cat with those porkchops on the side of your face...

Ok, fine. You make a scary looking cat for Halloween! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Special Treats for the Kids!

Daddy had to drive up to LA for work the other day, and ended up stopping at Three Dog Bakery in San Clemente... Well, not on purpose.. He made a Starbucks pitstop and saw the bakery next to it. I am SOOO jealous! The store owner had 6 huskies hanging out in the shop! If I had gone in that shop, I probably wouldn't have left! :) Here's a picture of one of the huskies...

Anyway, he went in and bought our kids some yummy cookies because they SOOOOO deserve special treats!
Here's the special Halloween cat cookies:

And here's Daisy and Cody enjoying their yummy cookies!